Bro. Jonathan came into a lasting relationship with Jesus as a young man. Mrs. Kelly answered the voice of the Holy Spirit, beckoning her towards salvation, as a small girl. In 2015, Jesus came calling for Bro. Jonathan again. A call to surrender to the ministry of preaching. With many active years of service through Sunday school teaching, military ministry, and pastoring, the Comeauxs answered another call. The call to start a church in DeRidder, Louisiana.
DeRidder is the largest city in Beauregard Parish and at one time held the Guinness World Record of most churches per capita. Was there any room for another church? God answered with a resounding, "Yes". Through faith, they began the journey of starting Harvest Baptist in October of 2020. Bro. Jonathan and Mrs. Kelly have been witnesses to the extreme need of Jesus Christ in DeRidder. As a nurse, Mrs. Kelly sees the devastating substance abuse and poverty that plagues the city. Equipped with faith and the supernatural power of our Father, the Comeauxs have pressed forward in this city.
Bro. Jonathan and Mrs. Kelly have been married and serving the Lord for over 15 years. They have been graciously blessed with three daughters. Ella, Scarlett and Annabelle are homeschooled and enjoy singing and playing the piano and violin. When Bro. Jonathan and Mrs. Kelly do have spare time they can be found camping and exploring God's creation.
As a local New Testament church our first priority is to love God. We want to cultivate an environment that invites people to partake in the love of Christ. The Bible truth of Mark 12:30, (And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.) is a truth that resonates at Harvest. Once the love of God is flowing through us, we can then focus on our personal walk with Him. Only when we experience God's love can we truly reach others. As we reach, we grow together. Growing in Christ strengthens the bonds of Christian brotherhood. Harvest clings to Mark 12:31, (And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greather than these.). By growing in Christ and reaching others for Christ we fulfill John 13:34-35, (A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.).